


Under no circumstances should you allow any doctor to prescribe “Aricept 23” to anyone suffering from Alzheimer’s disease! Just say “NO!”

     This drug was about to lose its patent because of the very bad side-effects the drug induces to the victims that take this medication. The drug maker “Eisai” decided to skate around this issue by hatching a scheme to extend patent protection, to keep it in the market.

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FDA official’s rubber stamped it by saying “YES”

What Eisai did was to increase the dosage size. It originally came in two size dosages; 5mg and 10mg. So the Eisai executives decided to increase this dosage to 23mg.

YES! Now this drug was twice the strength of the old size of 10mg!

Eisai tested Aricept 23 with this new strength, thinking it was going to be super. Was it? Not on your life! It barely performed any better than the previous dosage of 10mg.

But the higher dosage significantly increased the risks of danger – that is – the side-effects!

     Patients who take Aricept 23 are far more likely to be agitated, confused, and fatigued. They were then three times more likely to suffer from extreme vomiting. In Alzheimer’s patients, that can bring about a whirlwind of agonizing events. They include, Now this is from the FDA’s own description of the drug:

  • Pneumonia
  • Massive gastrointestinal bleeding
  • Esophageal rupture
  • Death

As if that wasn’t enough to worry about, this drug lingers in the patient’s body long after it is discontinued. The vomiting fits continue for as long as two weeks after stopping usage!

Now I am not the only one to jump onto the bandwagon about warning people about this “Horrendous Drug.” First of all, the agencies own medical reviewer stated this drug should not be approved. But did that stop the FDA from approving the Drug? In a word – NO!

Public Citizen petitioned the FDA to remove Aricept 23 from the market. Our FDA ignored the petition. Over the course of about a year, and after profiting more than 90 million dollars from the sells, Public Citizen filed a lawsuit to force a decision from the FDA.

Once in court, our fine FDA agency only said one thing – NO!

I really don’t think anyone thought that the FDA would do the right thing and remove this bad drug from the market. But at least we can now keep this Aricept 23 on all of our radar and watch how many other victims fall prey.

Let me give you some startling statistics about this rising healthcare crises:

·        1 in 8 Americans age 65 or older have Alzheimer’s disease

·        Nearly half of Americans 85 or older have Alzheimer’s

·        More than 200,000 people under age 65 have early-onset of Alzheimer’s

·        Right now, someone in the US is diagnosed with Alzheimer’s every 69 seconds

·        By 2050, someone will be diagnosed with Alzheimer’s every 33 seconds

·        Alzheimer’s disease is the 6th leading cause of death in the US

·        Alzheimer’s is the 5th leading cause of death for people over 65 – right behind heart disease, cancer, and the other big killers

·        Alzheimer’s is the only disease that conventional medicine doesn’t have a way to prevent, cure or slow down the progression

  If you know anyone that suffers from this acute disease, caretakers of Alzheimer’s patients especially, must beware of this drug! It is intended for patients with moderate to severe AD. But these are the patients that are the most vulnerable to these side effects!

Alzheimer’s is growing at a very rapid rate. This is mainly due to two things – nutrient deficiencies from poor food choices and stress – that over time kills brain cells that lead into Alzheimer’s, dementia, oh yes, the big one – Cancer!

But, there is something that you can do about it! Stop Alzheimer’s before it ever gets started, just by avoiding these “5” certain foods! Click on the link below to find out what these 5 foods are!

Click Here To Watch The “5 Memory-Killing Foods You Should NEVER Eat” Video


About Kenneth

I am an author and health coach and I welcome you to learn how to control your health. By Detoxifying your body with natural, healthy foods, you can avoid chronic diseases to live a longer happier life.

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