Tag Archives: how to detox

Optimize Your Liver to Burn Away Fat

Kick Your Body into Fat-Burning Overdrive

 In one of my post I told you how important your Thyroid gland is to regulating blood sugar and why detoxifying this gland is a precursor to losing weight. The report shows how closely your Thyroid works with your liver to keeping surges of blood sugar at bay. But did you know that by eating just a few everyday common foods that you can naturally detoxify your liver as well, to actually kick-start your body into a hyper-mode fat-burning machine? Continue reading Optimize Your Liver to Burn Away Fat

Super-Foods to benefit Your Health

Amazing Super-Foods to Boost Your Health


Whether you decide to believe this or not, the best and most powerful medicine you have access to, without a prescription, is the foods you eat. Likewise, on the other hand, the worse poison you can possibly consume is eating the wrong foods, such as the foods that contain sugars, transfats, artificial flavorings and color.

Over the years though, a few foods have been found to have remarkable healing properties that place them high on the lists of foods to include in your daily mixture of nutrient-rich food. Inside this special report, you’ll find a host of these super-foods that have undergone rigorous studies that prove their beneficial qualities for your health.

To get a FREE copy of this special report, along with two other special reports, secrets to Natural weight-loss, and Natural Therapies to Combat Deadly Diseases, just click on the link: http://www.naturalhealthsherpa.com/3freereports

Warning: The report you are about to read is no cure-all or magic bullet to healthy living or losing weight. It is only a guide that if you follow it, practice it, and live it, you will increase your ability to significantly reduce chances of obesity, poor health and avoid sickness and diseases, just by the foods you eat…

Artificial Sweeteners

The Real Truth About Artificial Sweeteners

    If you truly want to detoxify your body, to lose weight, lose belly-fat,and live healthier, know the facts about these three common artificial sweeteners listed below. Positively, if you want to lose weight, belly-fat, and save your brain cells, avoid these three artificial sweeteners at all cost!

  Most people think that using artificial sweeteners are better for them than real sugar. They assume that these artificial sweeteners are healthier because they contain no calories that may get turned into belly-flab. Here are some facts about artificial sweeteners that may change your mind the next time you reach for a soda, “nutrition” bar, frozen yogurt or low-fat ice cream. . .

The chemical compounds found in artificial sweeteners replace the ‘sweetness’ of sugar, without the calories. “Fat-free” and “Sugar-free” does not necessarily mean low-calorie. In fact these artificial compounds can actually increase your appetite, or “cravings” for more, which is bad, if you are trying to lose weight. There are also sugar-free products with ingredients that can raise blood sugar. As you can see, “sugar-free” doesn’t necessarily mean “fat-loss-friendly.”

In fact, these compounds can be literally “deadly!”  These three artificial sweeteners can actually “kill your IQ!” Let me tell you about some of the problems associated with the most common artificial sweeteners on the market.


  • Aspartame: This is a common artificial sweetener with some side-effects that range from hallucinations to seizures to actual brain tumors. Example brands are Equal and Nutrasweet.
  • Saccharin: This compound is produced by combining anthranilic acid, nitrous acid, sulfur dioxide, chlorine, and ammonia. Not only is this compound thought to cause cancer, it is also associated with causing headaches, breathing issues, and skin rashes. Some brand examples are SugarTwin and Sweet ‘N Low.
  • Splenda (often on labels as “Sucralose“): can enlarge both the liver and kidneys and shrink the thymus glands. Other side-effects include skin rashes, panic attacks, diarrhea, headaches,
    bladder issues, and stomach pain.


As if these sometimes “deadly side-effects” are not bad enough, the added problem is because these compounds are actually “sweeter” than sugar. This leads to training your taste buds for really sweeter foods. This leads to wanting more and more sweets, rather than satisfying your cravings.

There is a “solution” to these artificial sweeteners, without resorting back to using sugar. Steviais what I recommend to all my family and friends.

     Stevia, is an herb from South America that has been used as a sweetener by theGuarani Indians of Paraguay for hundreds of years. The leaves of this small plant have a delicious sweet and refreshing taste. Of course it is also 100% all-natural with many excellent properties

For one, the body does not metabolize Stevia, so there is no caloric intake and it doesn’t adversely affect blood glucose levels. This makes it an excellent choice for kids, as well as for diabetics.

In learning more about how you can detoxify your body, avoid these artificial sweeteners like the plaque. Also eat more all-natural fruits, which provide your body with anti-oxidants, vitamins and nutrients that your body actually needs.

Vegetables – How Important are they?

 Vegetables Are Important For HealthVegetables for detoxification

    Vegetables play a vital role in your health and detoxifying your body. They help in flushing toxins out of the body that have built up over years of eating the wrong foods. They help in your digestion and absorption of the rich nutrients that are necessary for good health.

  1. They are very low in calories. You’d have to eat 5 bags of spinach, or 3 heads of broccoli, to equal the calories of just 1 cup of pasta or 1 tiny tablespoon of butter. So, you absolutely do not have to go hungry on tiny portions when you load up on veggies. In fact, it’s almost impossible to eat too many.
  2. Here’s the next point about veggies. They are high in fiber. This is both good for your digestion and good for weight loss as that fiber expands in the stomach, making you feel full and satisfied. A bowl of spinach has 8 grams of fiber, about 1/3 of your daily requirement. Broccoli, green peas, and other green leafy vegetables are also good sources of fiber.
  3. The third reason fibrous carbs are perfect for fat loss is because they have almost NO adverse affects on blood sugar levels. While it’s still a good idea to balance veggies out with a protein source, even eaten alone they’re okay because they don’t cause an increase in insulin.
  4. And finally, they’re loaded with vitamins and minerals and other very beneficial nutrients, such as antioxidants and phytonutrients, that will help you look and feel better, fight off disease, and improve your overall health.

Now with that all being said, you don’t want to eat all these fibrous carbs for every meal. Why? Because of they will not give you an ample amount of energy in the mornings, when you need it most. Fibrous carbs are extremely beneficial for 4 reasons: (a.) they are low in calories, (b.) they are high in fiber, (c.) they have almost no adverse affects on insulin, and (d.) they are loaded with vitamins and minerals and other nutrients that fight off illness and disease.

So we encourage you to load your system up with natural starchy carbs, and/or some fruit, early in the day and then later transition to fibrous carbs. This way you’re giving your body the energy it needs for the entire day early on, and then you’re switching to fibrous carbs as you become less active and move towards night-time when you sleep.

You’ll also find that you have less sugar cravings at night when you eat the right types of carbs at the right times of the day, so there are many reasons this is so important.

Key Points to remember:

  1. Fibrous carbs are extremely effective for fat loss, but that doesn’t mean they should be your primary carb source at every meal.
  2. Load your system up with natural starchy carbs, and/or some fruit, early in the day and then later transition to fibrous carbs.


Vegetables Aid in Losing Belly-Fat                             Belly Fat

     The biggest benefit of eating vegetables is ridding your body of dangerous belly fat.   Doctors agree that belly fat dramatically increases the chance of heart disease, diabetes, certain cancers, and Alzheimer’s. The fact remains that this fat is stubborn and near impossible to penetrate and lose. The reasons that this becomes so frustrating are:

  • Your hormones become out of whack. When your body is in chronic stress it produces a fat-storing hormone called cortisol. The more of this hormone the body produces, the more belly fat you store. Then by eating all the wrong foods, the fat-storing hormone insulin skyrockets, which then turns off the fat-burning hormone called glucagon.
  • Your fat-burning furnace is broken. Most people trying to lose this belly fat will unknowingly stress their bodies into starvation-mode, by decreasing their calorie intake. This only magnifies the nutrient deficiencies in their bodies. Then by eating what I call “nutrient-dead foods”, this leads to cravings that start spiraling out of control (If you feel hungry all the time, this is why). This has a double whammy effect on the body. First, the body will decrease the fat-burning hormones that keep the metabolism running correctly. Secondly, the body then increases the hormone, leptin, which is a hunger hormone. As a result, weight loss becomes impossible.
  • Your foods are full of obesity additives. These Giant food manufacturers produce food that have been stripped of belly-burning nutrients and replaced with artificial preservatives that entice the body to create fat cells, which cause a mineral imbalance that result in bloating and water retention. Like cocaine or nicotine, these additives addict our bodies by altering our brain neurotransmitters to make us addicts to these foods. This causes pounds of “toxins” to build up in our digestive tract (up to 15-20 pounds).

Now that you know what the three obstacles are to overcome the frustrating task of losing belly-fat and detoxifying your body, below are the solutions to correct this problem. There are certain foods that KILL belly-fat for specific reasons, and certain foods that CAUSE it. The secret is learning which types of these foods are and how to swap the bad for the good to lose that belly-fat fast.


In the first week you should be able to eliminate the toxins that cause your body to retain water and dramatically increase the digestion of vital nutrients necessary for your body. And remember the nasty little stress hormone cortisol, that causes massive amounts of belly fat? Scientists have discovered that there are certain times during the day when you should eat these foods to zap your body’s cortisol levels by as much as 17%.

Foods For Losing Belly Fat

  • Avocadoes – Avocadoes are full of two nutrients that are KEY to killing belly fat: hunger-crushing fiber (11 to 17 grams per avocado), and monounsaturated fats, where studies have shown to actually spot-reduce belly fat.
  • Peanut Butter – but mainly any seed and nuts (which are the best): pistachios, walnuts, almonds (or almond butter), pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, and flax seeds. These are full of fat-burning minerals and fats that also help keep your belly feeling fuller, which works to reduce hunger cravings.
  • Healthy oils like Olive oil, coconut oil – even the brand name of Udo’s oil and Barleans oil help in burning away belly fat by supplying your body with essential oils it needs.
  • Vegetables – broccoli, cauliflower, brussel sprouts, kale, and cabbage all contain special phytonutrients, such as indole-3-carbinol (I3C), which help to fight against environmental estrogens that add belly fat.
  • Omelets – Eggs are actually nutrient-dense and packed with protein, vitamins B6, B12, A, D, E, and K, folate, choline, lutein, calcium, iron, phosphorus, zinc, and omega-3 fatty acids. The best eggs are from the free-range chickens.
  • Dark Chocolate – Dark chocolates are loaded with antioxidants (nearly 8 times the number in strawberries), and also contains stimulants, theobromine and caffeine, which both have a positive effect on fat burning.
  • Oatmeal – Avoid the processed, high-sugar junk that is available. Stick to the slow-cook oats. Add some cinnamon, walnuts, berries and a natural sweetener for added taste.
  • Green Tea – A report in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that green tea extract boosted the daytime metabolism of its test subjects up to 35 – 43%, not to mention all the potent antioxidants that it contains.
  • Beans – Black beans, navy beans, refried beans and lima beans all have 6 or more grams of fiber per ½ cup. This fiber can clean your system of pounds of toxins and reduce your belly bulge.
  • Berries – Strawberries, raspberries, and blackberries are loaded with fiber (which slows sugar absorption), plus they are packed with vitamins that can fight hunger cravings (cravings from vitamin deficiencies).
  • Cinnamon – Researchers have found that cinnamon contains a type of antioxidant that increases insulin sensitively and effectively stabilizes blood sugar. This causes less belly fat.
  • Chili Peppers – Studies have shown that the active ingredient of capsaicin in chili peppers not only stabilizes blood sugar levels (which decrease fat storage) but aids in fat burning, and is a powerful antioxidant.
  • Yogurt – Regular yogurt is bad for your belly. It is loaded with belly-bulging sugars (real or artificial) that you best avoid. However, Greek yogurts like Stoneyfield Farms Oikos Greek Yogurt (plain) are loaded with probiotics that fight belly fat.
  • Wild Salmon – Hands-down one of the best bell-blasting foods because of its protein and high omega-3 fatty acid content. Since many people are omega-3 deficient, this food will show miraculous results very fast.
  • Giant Turkey Legs – Turkey meat in general (white meat) is very lean and protein rich. This includes the wild salmon, free-range chickens, whey protein powders, and most especially grass-fed beef because it contains natural CLA, a fat in which studies have shown to really burn away fat. The nice thing about protein is that your body will burn off 30% of its calories after you eat it.


I hope you find this article informing and helpful. I welcome your thoughts, opinions and comments. If you know someone who can benefit from this post, please share this with them.

To Your Health!