To assess your health, take this very simple quiz to find out where you are health-wise. Grade your quiz according to the point system that follows the quiz. Then read the following instructions to find out what to do next.
1. Describe your lifestyle
A. Hectic
B. Active
C. Relaxed
2.Do you have trouble concentrating, staying focused?
A. Often
B. Sometimes
C. Never
3. Do you often get stressed, irritable, tired or sluggish?
A. Yes
B. Sometimes
C. Never or rarely
4. Do you ever experience insomnia?
A. Often
B. Sometimes
C. Never
5. Do you suffer from indigestion, stomach cramps, bloating or gas?
A. Often
B. Sometimes
C. Never
6. Do you catch colds or flu easily?
A. Yes
B. Sometimes
C. Never
7. How often do you experience food allergies?
A. Often
B. Sometimes
C. Never
8. Do you have bad breath or unpleasant body odor?
A. Yes
B. Sometimes
C. Never
9.Do you have skin problems, like eczema, acne, psoriasis or varicose veins?
A. Yes
B. Sometimes
C. No
10. How many bowel movements do you have each day?
A. None, or once a day
B. One or two per day.
C. Every time I eat
Grade yourself by adding up your total score
A = 2
B = 1
C = 0
Based on your score of the Detox Quiz:
16-20 – At Risk: Your health is in serious toxic overload and developing life-threatening disease is almost certain. These symptoms you are experiencing show significant toxins that jeopardize your immune system. This can lead to Cancer, Diabetes, Heart disease, and many other diseases. Changing your lifestyle and detoxifying your body now can stop the damage.
Your body is in dire need of repair by detoxifying and removing these toxins. It is important to be careful and work by cleansing in specific steps. The level of toxins in your body can not be removed by a one-week detox program. The best plan is to start detoxing yourself in a series of stages. Each stage will comprise of a systematic program designed to remove toxins over the course of a year to prevent your body from going into shock. With each stage you will be learning new habits and adjusting to a new level of wellness.
By making these lifestyle changes now by the way you eat you can add significant quality to your life. Your health will dramatically improve as you clean more and more toxins from your body. It is a big job and you will most likely need professional guidance and support. I can help you with the best professional counselor to guarantee your detox program a complete success. Send an email to me at
11-15 – High priority: A gentle detox program is best suited for you. You are showing signs of toxic build up. It would be wise to start a program of detoxing, like my One-Week Detox Program. This program is designed for most people that just need a small step in the right direction.
6-10 – Fair to Good: You are in pretty good health other than showing minor symptoms of toxins. Your body is strong enough to preform well with any commercial detox product, even though it may take you out of your comfort zone. By choosing one of the products I suggest in my book, The Ultimate Detox Guide, you will ensure yourself of better health.
0-5 – Well Done! You are healthy and your toxin level is low. However, since we absorb toxins daily from our food, our water, and the air we breathe, you still need to perform a yearly detox program. I would prefer you to cleanse yourself twice a year, once in the spring, then once in the fall.
To Your Health!